Mission 2 to Comoros: November 27 to December 5, 2020
Despite the Covid, despite the difficulties, we have managed to keep this mission on the program.
Dr Stacy CHARPENTIER, Clémentine DAVID, Delphine LAM, Thibaut LEROY and Camille RAMBAUD will participate in this mission.

Mission 1 to Comoros: September 20 to 29, 2019
We are very happy to set up an international project by creating a partnership with the Comorian health authorities for the ophthalmological care of Comorians.
The second mission of Terres d'Ophtalmo once again fulfilled these objectives: 150 operated patients, trained interns, a motivated team!
The first mission of Terres d'Ophtalmo was crowned with success with all the objectives achieved: an important service rendered, an important quality requirement and the on-site training of doctors.